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I uploaded my web site files, but still see your default page?

Most likely, what you have done, is uploaded your files but no index. Please keep in mind that all files are case sensitive. The default index file is index.phpl. If you want to upload a index.htm file, you will have to delete the default index.phpl first.

Here are some additional thoughts:
Is your main web site file (your home page) entitled "index.phpl" or "index.php"? It should be. Try hitting "Reload/Refresh" button on your browser--you might not be seeing the updated version of your site. Should you want to upload an "index.php" file be sure to delete the "index.php" file first.
Also, remember that our UNIX servers are case sensitive. Therefore, "Index.phpl" is not the same as "index.phpl"

Still having this problem? Click here to submit a request to our Support Department.

Some of my pictures aren't showing up on my site ...

1. Please keep in mind that all files are case sensitive: image.gif is not the same thing as IMAGE.gif or image.GIF. If you are uploading your site from a Windows based machine, sometimes case sensitivity is disrupted. Please check the exact case of your image files. Note: images cannot contain blank spaces within the file name. This would cause problems to some users like Netscape 4 users, for example.

2. When it comes to uploading a file via FTP there are two modes:
ASCII (text ) - used to upload HTML files and scripts; most of the files you can open using Notepad (without showing a scrambled code) can be uploaded as ASCII
BINARY - used to upload images, zip or exe files

If your images don't show, it's possible that they were uploaded using ASCII instead of BINARY mode. If that is the case, simply re-upload the images in BINARY mode and they should show.

3. It is possible that you are incorrectly linking to your images. It is very common to design a Web site and give your images an absolute path of your hard drive (C:\your site\image2.gif). If that is the case, you will simply need to update your links.

Still having this problem? Click here to submit a request to our Support Department.

I am having a problem with the CGIs I designed...

Please find a few reasons why a CGI script might not work:
Your '@' signs are not escaped with a "\", email addresses in double quotes will not parse correctly without the backslash... example: "support\" is how it should look. Check your Perl syntax.
Your script was uploaded in BINARY mode instead of ASCII mode. The easiest way to check this is by telnetting to your shell server and just look at the cgi itself with "less", "more", or "cat". If you see ^M everywhere, then it was uploaded in binary mode.
Your Perl script file does not have a *.cgi or *.pl extension.
Your Perl is just broken. From the UNIX shell prompt, type "perl -wc filename.cgi" to test it.
CGI's must have permissions of 755 or they will not execute.
If you are including a file such as it must have permissions of 644 to work.
CGI's execute from the current directory (where else?), always remember this with paths inside of the scripts.
If you are using your CGI as a SSI (server side include) <--#exec cgi=scriptname.cgi--> make sure the CGI itself is sending a mime type (like Content-type: text/html). Also, remember that all SSI files should have an extension of ".shtml".
Your script is using paths incorrectly. Check the FAQ link from above, for a list of the correct paths.

Please note that we can not help you with your own CGI's other than stating the above. If you are having problems with your perl script, contact the author or try issuing the command from a UNIX shell prompt:

perl -c [filename]

to have perl check your script for errors. Also, you may find a useful link.

Still having this problem? Click here to submit a request to our Support Department.

Why can't I find my site in any search engines?

Please remember that search engine submission is a free service and it is not guaranteed as to when your site would be listed in their index. It may take several weeks for your site to become recognized by the search engines, depending on their policies for free submissions.

Ensure that you site has meta tags setup on it. Failure to do so, may cause many web crawlers to pull your site from their listing.

It is suggested that you resubmit your site to search engines about once a year. For best results and a guaranted submission to major search-engines, using our Quick Submit program, click here.

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